Our specialist expertise, innovative thinking, and resolute focus on clients’ goals will combine to give you a distinct edge in wealth preservation and creation.
Understanding your needs and aspirations is an important first step in developing a wealth management strategy. At BBK Privé, we will work with you to build customised services and advice designed to attain your long-term goals.
One of the most valuable skills we harness is an ability to help you remain focused on long-term goals. With decades of experience in finance, our experts understand that wealth management requires strategies for both boom times and challenging periods. -
To this end, BBK Privé offers unique insight and access to global resources, helping you design a plan to achieve the things that are most important to you and your family in the long run. We leverage BBK’s specialist teams in banking, treasury, investment, fiduciary, custody and insurance services – integrating Aegila, the bank’s London-based investment and advisory associate.
Our operating structure enables us to provide clients with a full financial relationship including loans, deposits, investments and portfolio management.
Providing services of the highest standard is our core policy. BBK Privé offers a full complement of services to our private clients.
Credit products
Credit cards, automatic overdraft accounts, loans against financial assets, margin lending loans and property loans.
Multi-currency and multi-type deposits with advantageous rates for higher returns. Deposit accounts and forex transactions in all major currencies for immediate settlement or forward delivery.
Mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, exclusive global real estate deals and other alternative investment options.
Portfolio management
Ongoing management of investments, constantly monitoring and refining underlying exposures to ensure client returns fulfil agreed objectives.
Equity and fixed income brokerage, as well as foreign currency management at preferential rates.
BBK Privé is geared to provide a wide range of additional services to support clients’ lifestyle needs.
Our range of complementary services include estate and tax planning, insurance and concierge services.
Protecting your financial legacy lies at the heart of everything we do. Our foremost priority is to preserve and enhance capital, generating returns that deliver sustainable growth.
As a BBK Privé client, you will enjoy access to a range of products and services that can be used as part of a comprehensive plan to protect, build and manage your wealth.
Your personal private banker is a skilled advisor who can assist with the establishment of wealth management solutions to preserve your wealth and fulfil your goals, while respecting your risk appetite. We can further protect your longterm interests through estate planning and wealth transference strategies. -
BBK Privé is a safe harbour for your financial legacy. We are licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain and are part of an expanding financial network that spans the UK, Turkey, Kuwait, the UAE, and India.
Our parent BBK is a solid, trustworthy bank whose achievements in customer service are regularly recognised by experts and peers.
In 2017, BBK was named Bahrain’s Best Retail Bank for the fifth successive year by Global Banking and Finance Review, reflecting our high calibre of customer service.